Electronic Projects are at user: definitionofis opencircuits.com


AI robotics, solar and refrigeration timer, and battery cut-off discharge limiter, sun tracker, MPPT boost controller solar charger.
https://opencircuits.com/index.php?title=User:Definitionofis and copies will soon be posted here under a separate category, Electronic Circuits.

Videos about electromagnetic mathematics, birds, AI weeding robot, and telescope optics, are at the converged video site: https://vimeo.com/spinningwindmillfredhi

The AI robot for weeding was shelved for slowness of the optical computer processing which I wrote in C language starting at 2015. I was spraying with an ink jet printer, 60 feet of weeds in a lawn, 12 inches wide path, per hour. The recent breakthrough in AI and improved computer speeds, since I completed this in 2017, might make this project practical per the breakthrough at UofT Geoffrey Hinton and his team: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/ Apparently is was in 2012 when they did feedback to improve the AI algorithm. I did not know about that idea in 2015. https://www.utoronto.ca/news/geoffrey-hinton-fields-questions-scholars-students-during-academic-talk-responsible-ai

The video shows successful proof of concept.
